DIY & Amatuer Makers

All around us, makers are creating some very interesting & inspiring things in their basements, studios, craft rooms and garages. While professional makers (those who “make” for their livelihood) frequently have to market their work to make a living…the gifts, talents and creations of amateur makers (those who make for the love of it) often go overlooked. If your an amateur DIY hobbyist, inventor, tinkerer, artist, or creator we’d like to encourage you to share your work with others at MakerShift! First, create an account to submit a proposal with us HERE. Once you’ve successfully created an account then click HERE to register online!

Pro’s & Vendors

Thanks to those of you who “MAKE'“ for a living and/or provide the tools and resources for other Makers! We want to create space for you to share your work & the services you provide to the public and other makers. However, space is limited. MakerShift is not a trade show so when you register please make sure to highlight how you will educate the public during the festival as well as any demonstrations of products and services. First, create an account to submit a proposal with us HERE. Once you’ve successfully created an account then click HERE to register online!